Get ready to feel amazing. Thanks for accepting the Prove It Challenge!

Feel amazing in 30 days – guaranteed
Accept the #ProveItChallenge and feel healthier, more energized, more focused, and ready for anything.
Ready, set, cleanse
DAYS 1–7
Start with a 7-Day Healthy Cleanse to completely reset your system.

A strip and shake a day
DAYS 8–30
Adopt a daily nutrition routine: replace one meal with a Life Shake™ and take a Vitalizer™ strip for clinically backed vitamins, minerals and protein.

Keep feeling amazing
Make health and nutrition a priority by keeping up your routine every day and get rewarded for sharing with others.

You prove it. We guarantee it.
If we haven’t made a believer out of you in 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund, even if the container is empty. No questions asked.
Just 30 days to radically change the way you feel.

Prove it. Live it. Share it.