Hi, I’m Aly Dudek, and I’m glad that you’ve chosen to set new goals and push yourself as much as you can. If you are graduating from the medium intensity workouts or you are looking for a serious challenge in your routine, I’ve put together these exercises for you. Remember that your diet is an important part of the healthier lifestyle you are creating, and complementing your fitness with the right nutrition is critical.
By now you’re already progressing with your workout, and you know your limits. Try not to push yourself to the point of injury. But maintain that positive attitude and strive to go even further with your workout! And remember; enjoy your workout and the long-term benefits to come. Gym access will really help with these exercises, but if you don’t have access to the proper equipment you can focus on increasing repetitions of exercises.
Here are the exercises for each muscle group you’ll use to build your circuit for each day. I recommend that you do at least one circuit of exercises every day, and then do as many repetitions for each exercise as you’re comfortable with.
Upper Body Exercises (Arms, chest, shoulders, upper back, neck)
Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl
- One set: 8–12 repetitions with each arm
- Description: Curl each arm alternately. Avoid lunging or swinging by keeping your elbows at your side. Focus on strong technique with a quick curl up and a slower, controlled letdown.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Description: Focus on a full extension and then a smooth letdown. A workout partner can spot you during this workout.

- One set: 12-20 repetitions
- Description: Keep your hands facing forward on the bar. Avoid swinging or “kipping” to use momentum to clear the bar.

Core Exercises (Abdominals, obliques, lower back, hips)
Crunch Sit-up
- One set: 20–30 repetitions
- Description: Crunch up to touch your elbows to your mid-thighs. Focus on tensing your abs to a full crunch, and then smoothly uncoiling back.

Side Crunch
- One set: 20–30 repetitions
- Description: Crunch up quickly using your obliques to bring your high elbow and hip toward each other, and slowly uncoil back.

Kettlebell Side Bend
- One set: 20–30 repetitions
- Description: Bend sideways in the direction of the kettlebell, lowering your hand near knee level. Return to the standing position.

V-sit Twist with Dumbbell
- One set: 15–25 repetitions
- Description: Twist torso from side to side keeping your butt and legs stationary and nearly touching the dumbbell to the floor. Focus on working your core and not just moving your arms.

Lower Body Exercises (Quads, glutes, calves, hips)
Barbell Squat
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Description: Begin with a weight that allows you to perform 10–12 reps with full control, and then work your way up. Squat down to about sitting height, but not beyond a 90-degree flex in your knees. Keep your back straight and your head erect.

Romanian Dead Lift
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Description: Use a barbell with about a third or half of your body weight. Lift the barbell to the standing position. Do not solely use your back muscles, and don’t lift with a rounded back. Lower the barbell to just below knee level by “sitting” back while keeping your back straight. Thrust your hips smoothly forward to return to the standing position.

“Speed Skater” Stride
- One set: Stride at a brisk pace for 30 seconds, or about 15 strides to each side
- Description: “Stride” to your right and swing your left leg back behind and past your right leg – tap your left toe on the ground. Repeat the stride movement on the other side. Let your arms swing smoothly, and keep your back straight and your core tight.

Lateral Lunge
- One set: 10–15 repetitions on each side
- If you use one dumbbell, keep it at navel level; if you use two dumbbells, let them drop between your stance, but do not let them swing.
- Description: “Lunge” out to one side by stepping away from your opposite leg and squatting with your step leg. Keep your opposite leg straight and your back straight.