Hi, I’m Debbie McCormick, congratulations on committing to a healthier lifestyle!
As you ease into this fitness regimen, remember that your attitude, positivity, and patience are the most important elements of your workout! We all have to start somewhere; so don’t be discouraged if you have to go slowly. Take your time, push yourself gradually, and you’ll start feeling (and seeing) the difference.
Here are the exercises for each muscle group you’ll use to build your circuit for each day. I recommend that you do at least one circuit of exercises every day, and then do as many repetitions for each exercise as you’re comfortable with.
Upper Body Exercises (Arms, chest, shoulders, upper back, neck)
- One set: 1–15 repetitions
- Description: Keep your back straight, focus on the full motion of lowering your chest, and then extending arms fully.
Arm Rowing
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Use 2 to 5-pound weights or what is available
- Description: Stand with one foot forward and feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and your upper body nearly parallel to the ground. “Row” upward by pulling weights toward your chest.
Biceps Curl
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Use 3 to 10-pound weights or what is available
- Description: Stand straight, keep your palms up, and lift up the weight with your biceps. Concentrate on the full motion of the curl without swinging the weights up or down.
- One set: 8–12 repetitions
- Use 3 to 10-pound weights or what is available
- Description: Stand with your knees slightly bent and lean forward. Extend your arms backward, and keep your elbows at your side.

Core Exercises (Abdominals, obliques, lower back, hips)
Crunch or Sit-up on Exercise Ball
- One set: 10–20 crunches
- Description: Place hands on your chest or clasp behind your head. Sit properly so that you do not roll or fall backward.
Bicycle Crunch
- One set: 8-12 touches on each knee
- Description: Crunch forward to lift your shoulders off the ground, keeping your right leg straight. Bend your left knee and bring your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat with your left elbow and right knee.
V-sit Twist
- One set: 8-12 twists to each side
- Description: Twist from side to side, keeping your butt and legs stationary. You can also use weights or an exercise ball by holding them to your chest while twisting.

- One set: 8-12 repetitions on each side
- Description: Simultaneously lift your left arm and right leg off the ground as high as possible, and hold for 3–5 seconds. Repeat with your right arm and left leg.

Front Plank
- One set: 3 Repetitions of 10–30 seconds each
- Description: Plank up by straightening your back and supporting your weight on your toes and elbows.

Lower Body Exercises (Quads, glutes, calves, hips)
One set: 8–12 repetitions
Can include weights or what is available
Description: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Focus on good technique with your back straight, head up, and smooth movements.

Glute Bridge
- One set: 8–12 repetitions with 3–5 seconds in the bridged position
- Can include weights or what is available
- Description: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Focus on good technique with your back straight, head up, and smooth movements.

Forward Lunge
- One set: 8–12 repetitions on each side
- Description: Take a large step forward and lower the opposite knee to the ground. Keep your back straight, and stand back up. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Backward Lunge
- One set: 8–12 repetitions on each side
- Description: Take a large step backward and lower your knee close to the ground. Keep your back straight, and stand back up. Repeat with the opposite leg.
- One set: 8–12 repetitions with each leg
- Description: Raise your top knee while keeping your feet together. Repeat this action while tensing the muscles around the back of the hipbone.

Hamstring Bridge
- One set: 8–12 repetitions holding for 3–5 seconds each
- Description: Raise your hips towards the ceiling and hold for 3–5 seconds. Then lower your hips back to the ground. Avoid arching your back.

Results and experiences from the Shaklee 180 Program are unique for each person. So results may vary. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180 Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week.