1,000 Year Flood

South Carolina, October 2015

In October 2015, South Carolina received unprecedented rainfall, resulting in what is being called the “1,000 year flood” which caused destruction and loss of life. The catastrophic floods striking South Carolina will go down in the history books, not only because of the lives they’ve taken or the destruction they’ve wrought, but also because of the sheer amount of rainfall. By the time the last raindrop is counted, the October 2015 storm will go down as one of the most prolific rainfall events in the modern history of the United States. Rainfall totals from the early October storm have shattered or jeopardized countless records in South Carolina.

Teri Norsworthy’s (Director, SC) husband was in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery when the floods hit their South Carolina town.  When she was able to return home Teri found her home in good shape with little damage.  Her granddaughter Andrea Filyaw, Distributor, wasn’t so fortunate. Andrea, her husband Steven and their three children’s home was flooded. They were living in a mobile home down the road from their house while repairs and clean up were underway.  Once Teri returned home, and her husband was on the road to recovery, Teri requested Shaklee Cares product packs to assemble and distribute to those in need in her community.  Together Teri and Andrea packaged vitamins, nutrition and cleaning supplies for flood victims and first responders. One family pack went to a nurse who lost everything when the flood waters rushed through her family’s home.

Andrea Filyaw applied for a Shaklee Cares grant and received one to help with the clean-up. Here is what Andrea said upon receiving the news:
“Today was a long crazy day for me! I needed to smile. I have been doing so much paper work trying to see what our next step will be and where we will find a pot of gold! My Grandmother Teri Norsworthy told me about the Shaklee Cares program and I applied for some help. Tonight we received a phone call letting me know my application went through. I teared up! I needed an uplifting today and just to hear that because I am a member of this awesome business they care about my family and are going to help us! What a blessing! Thank you so much!”

Meg Brooks (Coordinator, SC) considered herself and her family lucky, but wanted to help those less fortunate with recovery efforts from the South Carolina Floods. Meg’s schedule only allowed a few hours each day to help with this effort, so she determined what products were needed and requested Shaklee Cares product packs. Once Meg received the products, she and her group assembled the packs and personally delivered to those in need, including many First Responders. Thank you Meg and your team for reaching out and continuing the Shaklee Effect. For more information on Shaklee Cares, visit shakecares.org

Meg had a young baby and wasn’t able to get out for more than a few hours to help in the clean-up and recovery effort in her community.  So, she reached out to determine where she could provide Shaklee Product Packs to help with her community. Meg made the request through Shaklee Cares for these packs, and once received, coordinated with those in her group to assemble product packs and distribute to her neighbors in need.

“My flood-affected Shaklee Family Members are getting a package and a hug from me, and the rest will go to first responders and flood relief work crews. I’m so proud to be with a company with such a giving heart.”

“Yesterday at church, I had the pleasure of delivering to the Burt’s a Shaklee Cares ‘blessings box’ as I’m calling them. Elizabeth and Travis are my wonderful uplines! Prayers for them as they undertake tens of thousands of dollars in repairs to their flood-damaged house, and hoping they and their three beautiful children can return home soon!”

Note from Meg on the disaster: President Obama has signed a federal disaster declaration, About 40,000 people in the state were/are without drinking water, and tens of thousands of people were/are without power. At least 11 dams were breached in the Midlands (around Columbia) alone, many bridges collapsed and more than 500 roads were inundated with floodwaters, causing emergency evacuations and an expected bill of over $1 billion. With all that said, our community would appreciate ANY amount of products Shaklee deems appropriate to donate and ship to us for relief and recovery efforts. We are so blessed to be part of a company that gives back!

Elizabeth H. Burt – Grant Application and recipient of Shaklee Cares Product Packs

Elizabeth H. Burt, Key Coordinator and her husband and three children had to evacuate their Columbia, So. Carolina home as the lower level flooded, destroying all the contents including the heating and air conditioning. Fortunately they have family nearby and are able to stay with them. Unfortunately, their homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage, and the costs are significant and only a small portion is being covered by FEMA. Through the Shaklee Cares Grant program, Elizabeth and her family applied and were awarded a Shaklee Cares Grant to assist in their rebuilding efforts. As Elizabeth graciously stated: “Thank you again so very much and so grateful for our Shaklee family!”.

Andrea Killman-Filyaw –  Shaklee Cares Grant Recipient

Andrea’s home is located in Coward, South Carolina.  Their entire house was flooded. Lost all furniture, appliances and personal belongings.  Had just completed remodeling their home when the flood came and destroyed much of their work.  They had to rent a double-wide mobile home. Her husband was self-employed and unable to work for part of the time. They have 3 children: ages 11, 10 and 7.  They did have homeowners insurance but not flood insurance so no help from the insurance company.

Upon hearing the news that she would be receiving a Shaklee Cares Grant, Shaklee received the following note from Teri:

“Thank you so much for calling Andrea last night and giving her the good news about the Shaklee Cares Grant.  She was having one of the toughest days since the flood and it really helped to bring her up out of the funk. Through a coordinated effort with Teri, Andrea was able to help 9 families with Shaklee Cares Product Packs, while Teri was able to distribute products and help 19 families/responders.”