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  • 5 healthy Valentine’s Day activities you’ll love

    Valentine’s Day usually means chocolates, wine, and indulging in a decadent meal at a restaurant—not always the healthiest options for your body.

  • Thinking about the Mediterranean diet? Here are some heart-healthy reasons to board the hype train

    One of the latest and popular diets that’s probably been hitting your feed is the Mediterranean diet. There are plenty of reasons to jump on this bandwagon—a big one being that it promotes a healthy heart. And since it’s American Heart Month, it’s a great time to focus on what keeps your heart beating strong!

  • Eye Care Tips

    We want you to be on top of your eye game, so here are a few eye health tips to keep your eyes looking and feeling wonderful.

  • Meal prep: A helpful, healthy eating strategy

    Shaklee is pleased to bring you the best nutrition articles to help you lead a healthier life, and this week, with permission from the Harvard School of Public Health, we bring you the benefits of meal prep in advance.

  • Peach Cinnamon Shake

    Nutritious and absolutely delicious shake to enjoy on the Shaklee 180® Program.

  • Celebrate your weight loss journey without the scale

    Have you ever been discouraged by the numbers on the scale after a few weeks of exercising and eating right? Most people think that the numbers on the scale are the only way to measure your weight loss journey, but that simply isn’t true. The scale doesn’t give you the whole story about how your body is changing and getting healthier.

  • 5 ways to promote body positivity

    How do you feel about your body? This is a question we constantly think about but often don’t actually address. We look in the mirror and pinpoint all the flaws we see, but how often do we celebrate the things we like about ourselves?

  • 6 Healthy Dinner Recipes for Chicken Lovers on the Shaklee 180® Program

    Chicken fans rejoice! You don't have to give up on good food during the Shaklee 180® Program. Try these recipes for your healthy meal of the day.

  • Skin care tips for before and after your workout

    A new year means setting goals and implementing new habits to make us both physically and mentally healthier. The most popular New Year’s goal, though, is increasing our exercise. Here are a few tips to help keep both your body and your skin feeling amazing after a workout.

  • 5 sneaky ways to get in exercise at the office

    You may have a hectic schedule and a stack of assignments, but you can still sneak exercise into your daily routine!

  • 5 New Year’s Resolutions with Shaklee Solutions

    The new year has arrived with new resolutions, some more familiar than others. Whether you want to get into shape, eat healthier, or just change things up a bit, Shaklee has a few solutions for some of the most common resolutions.

  • 6 exercise tips for the New Year

    6 tips that will help establish your fitness habits and make exercise less intimidating.